Research Methods in Civil Engineering 2023-2024

Latest info

  • First seminar will be on Friday Feb 16 from 10h to 12h


0. Objectives and introduction (pdf)

1. The world of research (pdf)

2. Extracting information from a paper (pdf)

Watch the video on concrete monitoring with embedded transducers

Presentation of master thesis topics of A. Deraemaeker (example)

Download the example paper on concrete monitoring in the Rogier tunnel

3. Making a state-of-the-art (pdf)

  • Example of a bad state-of-the-art (pdf)
  • Example of a well-structured and critical state-of-the-art (pdf)

4. Building a work plan (pdf)

5. Writing a report (pdf)

5. Making a presentation (pdf) – example of presentation (ISMA conference)

List of master thesis topics

The list of master thesis topics proposed by promotors is available here.

Instructions for reports

The templates for the reports are now available for Latex and Word

Instructions for the report (number of pages, sections, …) can be found here

The evaluation grids for the promotor and the reader are here